Welcome to Wells Taxidermy specializing in waterfowl since 2010    (901)-592-8456

Shoulder Mount

Whitetail - $700
Mule Deer - $700
Pronghorn - $700
Elk - $2,300
Caribou - $2,300
Moose - $3,500
Black Bear -$900
Wild Boar - $800
Big Horn Sheep - $630
Stone Sheep - $630
Dall Sheep - $630

** Any species not listed will be priced upon request**

 Life Size Mount
 * price will vary depending on size of the animal and alterations that may be needed to accurately recreate the animal.

Whitetail - priced upon request
Mule Deer - priced upon request
Black Bear - priced upon request 
Bobcat - $1,000
Red Fox - $1,000

Grey Fox - $1,000

** Any species not listed will be priced upon request **

 Birds/ Waterfowl

Turkey - we are not accepting any turkeys until further notice
Pheasant - $400
Small Geese - $550 ( Cacklers, Ross Geese)
Medium Geese - $650 (Snows, Blues, Specs)
Large Geese -  $900(Canada Geese, Lesser and Greater)

Black Brant - $650
Sea Ducks - $400 ( Surf/Black scooter) - $400

 ( Eiders, White wing scooter) - $450

Merganser- Hooded $400     Common, Red breasted $500

 Puddle ducks - $400

Diver ducks- $400

Swan - We are not accepting any at this time


Reproduction fish only:  Please contact us for a price quote on all fish projects. 

**** Additional charges may include shipping cost of some life size mounts. Any open mouth peice. Any pedestal mount ( wall or floor).  Any custom habitat or base. All prices are just starting base prices. The final price is unknown until the client has established the true value of what he would like to invest in his peice. All prices are subject to change.****